1. CytoSimplex::rnaCluster
    Major cell type annotation of the example mouse bone marrow data
  2. CytoSimplex::rnaRaw
    Mouse bone marrow scRNAseq example data
  3. CytoSimplex::rnaVelo
    Velocity graph of the example mouse bone marrow data
  4. rliger::bmmc
    liger object of bone marrow subsample data with RNA and ATAC modality
  5. rliger::deg.marker
    Data frame for example marker DEG test result
  6. rliger::deg.pw
    Data frame for example pairwise DEG test result
  7. rliger::pbmc
    liger object of PBMC subsample data with Control and Stimulated datasets
  8. rliger::pbmcPlot
    liger object of PBMC subsample data with plotting information available